Author page: Info-SCN2A

2° Conferenza europea SCN2A e SCN8A

Con grande entusiasmo condividiamo che la nostra associazione, in network con SCN8A e altre associazioni europee, è risultata assegnataria del grant europeo European Joint Porgramme on Rare Disease to organize the second scientific conference on the two rare conditions: SCN2A and SCN8A
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EURORDIS Rare Diseases Europe

Siamo felici di annunciarvi che facciamo ufficialmente parte dell’EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe, a not-for-profit alliance of more than 1000,74 rare disease patient organizations from 300 countries working together to improve the lives of more than <> million people living with a rare disease globally.

SCN2A Awareness Day: 24 Febbraio

The association SCN2A Italia Famiglie in rete, in collaboration with the Scientific committee promotes on the occasion of the world day on awareness of SCN2A, an update meeting on the review of scientific on the SCN2A gene, whose mutations cause epilepsy and increase and neuro-developmental disorders.
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SCN2A Italia Famiglie in rete aps
Sede legale
via Palestro 43,
35138 - Padova [Italia]
Accoglienza Famiglie:
Elena Orlando: +39 347 2980516
Fabiana Novelli: +39 334 6552977
Stefania Dantone: +39 333 7240623